June 19, 2024

The sun rises at 6 pm: Our book-journey for May, 2021

"You're never alone when you're reading a book." When Susan Wigg quoted that she must not have fathomed how far anyone can take it. Well, we exactly emulate this every day. We are never alone when we are reading! As the clock strikes 6 pm, we huddle together in our tavern of knowledge – the Learn Unlearn@1729Digital. Each time a book is selected, the reader soaks up the wisdom and shares the learnings through creating a unique presentation, storytelling, infographic, and more, followed by discussing what impact and takeaways each could draw from the book. The sky is truly the limit here. So, while we are learning from each other we are also helping each other become better orators and presenters. This exercise truly brings in benefits in manifolds. 

We enlist below our month's loot of knowledge for May 2021

This is Marketing: You Can't Be Seen Until You Learn To See

Book by Seth Godin

The book emphasizes that marketing success stems from concentrating more on the target audience's requirements, values, and wants rather than spamming them.

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • Using the internet to bring your product or service in front of your target market isn't as successful as focusing on the people you want to serve and their characteristics.
  • By employing language that resonates with your audience's viewpoint, you may turn them into a tribe.
  • Make use of the power of networks to get your product in front of a wider audience.

Developing the Leader Within You 2.0

Book by John C. Maxwell

'Developing the Leader Within You' is a book that everyone should read to realize that no one is born a leader. Still, leadership can be developed by concentrating on the traits, skills, and talents of everyone.

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • The position is an excellent place to start in leadership, but it's a terrible place to stay.
  • People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
  • If you don't believe in the messenger, you won't believe the message.

The Creator Mindset: 92 Tools to Unlock the Secrets to Innovation

Book by Nir Bashan

In 'The Creator Mindset,' Nir Bashan argues persuasively and charmingly that creativity is more than an afterthought in business—that it's the heart of any successful venture. Even entrepreneurs who aren't natural creatives can master the science and art of creativity by adopting Bashan's Creator Mindset.

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • The position is an excellent place to start in leadership, but it's a terrible place to stay.
  • People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
  • If you don't believe in the messenger, you won't believe the message.


Book by Malcolm Gladwell

'Outliers' illustrates why 'the self-made man' is a fiction and what lies behind the achievement of the top individuals in their area, which is typically a combination of fortunate occurrences, uncommon chances, and other uncontrollable external variables.

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • Your skills will no longer assist you after you reach a particular skill level.
  • It's essential to know the month you were born in.
  • Because where you come from matters; for example, Asians are strong at arithmetic.

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

Book by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • Having a direction or purpose gives a person a sense of contentment. 
  • It motivates them to conduct acts that provide them with satisfaction and meaning. 
  • Passion, vocation, profession, and mission are the four core components of life that make up Ikigai.

Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual

Book by Luvvie Ajayi

The book is centred on how confrontation is embraced as a part of compassion by 'professional troublemakers.' They rely on the power of their own identity rather than concealing. They are grounded in their actual selves rather than shrinking to suit others.

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • We're all terrified. We're hesitant to ask for what we want because we're terrified of being told "no." We're frightened of standing out, of being too much or too little.
  • We are afraid of being labeled arrogant. We spend our lives attempting to be humble and modest because we've been taught that doing differently implies that we think we're better than others.
  • We spend a lot of effort making sure that no one can accuse us of being arrogant. "Yes, let's retain perspective and stay grounded," says the author.

No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline

Book by Brian Tracy

'No Excuses!' showcases that self-discipline is crucial to success and provides us with practical advice on how to master it so that we may attain self-actualization, good relationships, and financial stability.

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • Start acting now to develop your happiness in No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline, by employing the various tactics he has perfected over the years.
  • Use The Seven-Step Method to arrange your work and continue learning every day to become a high achiever.
  • Self-discipline produces happiness, which includes five components.

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Book by Robert Kiyosaki

'Rich Dad Poor Dad' is about Robert Kiyosaki and his two fathers—his biological father (poor dad) and the father of his closest friend (rich dad)—and how both men influenced his financial and investment views. To be wealthy, you don't have to make a lot of money. Wealthy people make money work for them.

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • Because financial intelligence is not taught in school, it is up to us to acquire this skill independently.
  • We will only become wealthy or financially independent if we have an excellent financial IQ and a firm, ambitious attitude to back it up.
  • As you go along the path to financial success, you should be aware of two potential hazards. From the outside, it may appear like you're working hard, but you're burying your head in the sand. You must also be careful of hubris, which is described as ignorance combined with ego and can lead to financial ruin through shady 'too good to be sound investments.

The Incredible Journey of Plants

Book by Stefano Mancuso

A prominent neurobiologist shares fascinating accounts of plant migration in this brilliantly illustrated collection, revealing surprising linkages between nature and civilization.

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • Plants and vegetables have developed to be able to thrive in practically any situation.
  • The Anthropocene is evidenced by solitary trees.
  • Plants will take over whatever new environment they can get their hands on.

The Uninhabitable Earth

Book by David Wallace-Wells

The documentary descriptions of our planet would be like after enduring the horrors of poisonous air, water shortages, and melting ice caps become all too true in David Wallace-Wells' book, The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming.

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • Even if we implement all of the policy adjustments agreed to in Paris, we will still be on the verge of calamity.
  • Without carbon reductions, our oceans would rise to dangerous levels, submerging significant cities. 
  • If we do not modify our habits, microorganisms from old illnesses will emerge from melting Arctic ice sheets, causing a global health disaster.

Tiny Habits 

Book by BJ Fogg

A great self-help book, 'Tiny Habits' share powerful techniques to bring major changes by altering relatively smaller and mostly neglected habits. 

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • A behavior occurs when motivation, ability, and promptness all come together at the same time.
  • Take the desired habit, scale it down, find a natural place for it in your life, and foster its development. It's best to start small if you want to make a long-term difference.
  • B = MAP. It's a basic formula that applies to ALL human behaviour—and if applied correctly, it may serve as a catalyst for change. That's fantastic news because this model can be used to test any behaviours. It may be used to build new behaviours as well as to break bad behaviours.

The Sixth Extinction

Book by Elizabeth Kolbert

As it is known, the 'Sixth Extinction' is the end of the world as we know it. Elizabeth Kolbert investigates the link between humans and the environment, concluding that human conduct is on the verge of (or has already caused) the sixth mass extinction in the planet's history.

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • That its high time we stop and examine our ways, we are conducting business on earth.
  • We must adapt, in our little ways, means to reduce carbon footprints. 
  • How we can encourage local wildlife and sanctuaries by adopting endangered species. 

Bad Blood

Book by John Carreyrou

The Wall Street Journal writer who initially exposed Theranos wrote 'Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies at a Silicon Valley Startup.' It recounts the whole known history of how Theranos began, sustained its falsehoods, and eventually broke apart. The narrative is an astonishing display of human psychology's flaws.

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • Others are more willing to support, participate, and invest in you if your narrative is captivating and you can express it in less than a minute.
  • Putting together the right team is crucial.
  • Setting unreasonable targets and separating teams will harm morale.

Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know

Book by Adam Grant

The benefit of rethinking is the subject of this book. If you can master the skill of rethinking, you will be better positioned for career success and personal satisfaction. Rethinking old challenges and revisiting past answers to new ones might help you come up with fresh ideas.

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • Strive for greater self-awareness and humility.
  • Look for signs of blindness or blind spots.
  • Take a break and ponder; then, more often than not, take a break and reassess.

Steal Like an Artist

Book by Austin Kleon

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • Look at your idols' work and use it as a springboard to develop your distinct style.
  • Remember to have fun, and create the perfect work environment for your art.
  • Not allow criticism or praise to derail you.

The Why Café

Book by John Strelecky

The book is a quick read with a powerful message. Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • Question whether there should be more to life than working ten to twelve hours a day in the office, striving toward a promotion, and then working twelve to fourteen hours a day.
  • Ask yourself more whys – as to why you are doing what you are doing. 
  • Introspection and understanding your deep need are pivotal to a meaningful existence.

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

Book by Susan Cain

The book traces the evolution of Western civilization from a culture of character to a culture of personality, in which the 'extrovert ideal' reigns supreme and introversion are considered inferior or even unhealthy.

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • Quiet examines the benefits and drawbacks of each temperament type, highlighting the extrovert myth that has dominated Western culture since the early twentieth century.
  • Temperament is a basic feature of human identity, citing data from biology, psychology, neurology, and evolution to show that introversion is both prevalent and normal, adding that many of humanity's most creative people and notable leaders were introverts.
  • Introverts can switch between the two and the best team are the mix of two.

The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business

Book by Chris Griffiths and Melina Costi

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

Human creativity is an art that can be acquired and perfected to change our personalities and the way businesses operate.

  • By learning how to think differently.
  • Working through the process from understanding to implementation.
  • Constantly working towards developing the skill in question.


Book by Yuval Noah Harari

The book explains although we have been around for an incredibly short amount of time, we have achieved so much. No other species has come close to dominating the planet to the degree that we have. So how has this all been possible?

Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • Sapiens outdid Neanderthal by hook and crook despite being almost similar in brainpower and brute strength.
  • We are in the most peaceful times on earth now compared to ever before in our mankind journey.
  • How the invention of agriculture, money, sign, symbol, scripts, and religion geared up the pace of human evolution.

Social Intelligence

Book by Daniel Goleman

The capacity to effectively 'read' other people around us, as well as our social surroundings - and behave appropriately - is what social intelligence is all about. Goleman demonstrates that how we interact with our social environment has far-reaching implications, not simply for our outward success. It also benefits one's physical and emotional well-being.

 Here are the three most important lessons we've taken away from this book:

  • Social intelligence differs across cultures so remain sensitive to it.
  • Watching scary movies can make children less shy later in life.
  • Putting social intelligence to constant use is so draining.

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